
Thank you, I'm deeply grateful to you and I am honored by your words. As mentioned, I lost my former agents due to too age and disability (my own). I do need an agent in order to publish my books.

Please consider sharing my work with others who might like it. This could perhaps help entice an agent if it happened in bug enough numbers.

Thank you for considering and especially thank you for meeting my work and making comments that mean so much to me.

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J, you have taken you traumatic brain injury and transmuted it into gem of insight for all of us

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Judith. I'm not a publisher but I am a reader and a writer. If your book is a collection of micro essays like the ones you share here, I would read it and buy it for others. Not only do your words paint vivid pictures of a place those of us without brain injuries would struggle to imagine, they do what all good essays do: tap into universal questions and ask us to re-examine how we see other people and the world.

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i agree wth Elizabeth ... I think (brilliant) missives from a sore brain, (dark at times), might be the gift you give us.

All good things lie in the cracks.

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