
I am honored by your comments.

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Thank you. Please share my work.

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Thank you. Please keep reading my stack. I had two pieces every week and they each take two minutes or less to read. I hope you will share them with others or encourage them to subscribe.

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“You can put up a front, but not a new frontal lobe.” This line is fraught with earth-shaking significance, and then your description of not being able to read or write brings your lucky readers into your post-injury world. What a zany, mixed up mental state that must have been! Thank you for your guided tour of bewilderment, including your colorful description of learning word sequences backward and your observation that you have not had any use for that skill ever since.

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Reptile dysfunction-I love it!

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I can testify to iguanas falling out of trees. It is so hot here now they are multiplying like rabbits. The young ones are cute and bright green as they age they turn into dragonlike creature with spikes and eat any flower I try to grow. So enjoy your post and your strength to get through the times you are now living.

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I love your work! You certainly did not forget how to be clever and see the best in a difficult situation.

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What can I say?? 'ust keep moving (nonliterally) forward regardless that it may be sideways!!!

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love the iguana! and the order of nouns...so many details that we must master to be " functional" in this broken world. you are amazing and we honor you.

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Each time I read one of your posts, I crack up with mirth at your delightful phrases and descriptive wording, and get a pang of sadness at the same time. A twisty-turny life journey, for sure. Thanks for sharing it with us, Judith.

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Like your other subscribers, I am very much enjoying reading your posts. Love the word play! Backwards or forwards....

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